24 Apr Corona virus update
Our priority is to look after the health and safety of our people first, adopting the highest level of compliance with the government’s recommendations while continuing to serve our customers globally.
To protect our people we’ve minimised the number of staff on site through the use of technology, everyone who can work from home is doing so, to look after the workshop staff we have implemented a shift system to minimise the number of people on site at any one time, providing enough space to allow effective social distancing, we’ve also implemented extra sanitization activities throughout the workshop. Keep washing those hands!
With the commitment of all our staff to work safely and flexibly we have so far been able to ensure the continuity of our operations supporting such essential sectors as the Paper and Energy industries.
Monitoring the situation daily we will keep our businesses and people safely in operation, supporting our customers and keep the greater economy going while doing our part to control the spread of this virus.
We sincerely thank all of our staff and for their huge effort.